GL500+ School year 2022-2023

In school year 2022-2023 there were 19 students applying for the GL500+ scholarship.

The following applicants received the award:

  1. Đặng Quốc Huy , Somophore,  University of Food Industry (Interview video), received the T3 scholarship .
  2. Võ Hữu Tín,  12th grader, High school Trần Phú (Interview video), received the
     T & T Lê scholarship .
  3. Võ thị Hương Duyên,  12th grader, High school Tân Châu, Tây Ninh (Interview video), received the Tịnh An scholarship .
  4. Trần Quốc Hào,  12th grader, High school Quang Trung, Tây Ninh (Interview video), received theg P Blume scholarship .
  5. Nguyễn Thanh Hiệu,  12th grader, High school Bình Hưng Hòa (Interview video), received the L & K Dart scholarship .
  6. Phạm Thanh Bảo Ngọc,  11th grader, High school Lý Thường Kiệt, Tây Ninh (Interview video), received theA & J Minton scholarship .
  7. Huỳnh Ngọc Gia Thanh,  11th grader, High school Phú Nhuận (Interview video), received the TiDan scholarship .
  8. Nguyễn Hoàng Thanh Tâm,  11th grader, High school Bình Hưng Hòa (Interview video), received the Deana Nguyễn scholarship .
  9. Lê Thanh Nguyên,  10th grader, High school Nguyễn Thượng Hiền (Interview video), received the Anh Em Sam Bơ scholarship .
  10. Trần thị Doanh Doanh,  10th grader, High school Bình Hưng Hòa (Interview video), received the Sen Trắng scholarship .
  11. Nguyễn Trần Khắc Tuấn,  10th grader, High school Đông Á (Interview video), received the KC Nguyễn scholarship .
  12. Phạm Hồ Bảo Long, 10th grader, High school Nguyễn Hữu Tiến (Interview video), received the D Breuer scholarship .
  13. Nguyễn Hoàng Thiện, 10th grader, High school Bình Hưng Hòa (Interview video), received the T Nguyễn scholarship.
  14. Trần Phạm Minh Anh, 9th grader, Secondary school Võ Thành Trang (Interview Video), received the T Nguyễn scholarship .
  15. Lê thị Thùy Trang, 9th grader, Secondary school Bình Hòa (Interview video), received the T3 scholarship .
  16. Võ Minh Trung, 8th grader, Secondary school Võ Thành Trang (Interview Video), received the
     YC & G Lange scholarship .
  17. Nguyễn Thị Thùy Linh, 7th grader, Secondary school Thạnh Đông, Tây Ninh (Interview Video), received the Tịnh Như scholarship.
  18. The Ngô-Dương's scholarship is granted to Nguyễn Thị Như Ý, 8th grader, Secondary school Thạnh Đông, Tây Ninh (Interview Video) AND
  19. Lê Huỳnh Bảo Khang, 8th grader, Secondary school Thạnh Đông, Tây Ninh (Interview Video) .

The scholarship is paid out every semester. In the next semester, the scholarship holders must submit proof of the use of the scholarship in order to receive the remaining amount of the funding.

Motivation Letter  (Võ Minh Trung)

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