In the second quarter of 2022, the students were asked to read the story Câu chuyện bát mì A Bowl of Noodles and write an essay to share their thoughts and observations as well as their own personal "lessons learned".

The second essay was about “The almsgiving of fearlessness” which Bao Thi mentiones in her essay abot the story "A Glas of Milk",  concerning the question "What do you unstand by Vô úy thí? As a student, what can you do to acquire this trait?

The Prizes Awarded (200,000 VND each) go to:

1) Huỳnh Ngọc Gia Thanh, 11th grader,

    Trần Quốc Hào, 12th grader, for the essay on the story of A Bowl of Noodles.

2) Nguyễn Hoàng Thanh Tâm, 11th grader, for the essay on Vô úy thí.

In the third quarter of 2022, the students got 3 stories:

1) Cho cháu xin 1 đô-la (Asked for a dollar)

2) Làm người tốt làm đến cùng (Be a good person)
2) Chuyện có thật (Herbert Hoover and Paderewski True Story)


The Prizes Awarded (200,000 VND each) go to:

1) Huỳnh Ngọc Gia Thanh, 11th grader, for the essay on the story Asked for a Dollar.

2) Trần Thị Doanh Doanh, 10th grader, for the essay on the story Be a good person.

3) Trần Quốc Hào, 12th grader, for the essay on the story Herbert Hoover and Paderewski True Story.


A Bowl of Noddles, Trần Quốc Hào

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Asked for a Dollar, Huỳnh Ngọc Gia Thanh

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Be a good person        Trần Thị Doanh Doanh

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